Creativity in Cooking

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Veg soup I cooked at the Raymond Blanc cookery school in Oxford, 2015.

In my personal quest to understand the process of, and the sources of creativity, I have explored apparently disparate areas, such as cooking. I have taken courses at the Cordon Bleu in Paris and London, at Brookes University and the Raymond Blanc Cookery School in Oxford, and private courses in Tokyo. In my personal view, a good chef is a cook that becomes a scientist in the kitchen, mastering the right ingredients between precision and experimentation in the process of innovation. I have explored around 30 Michelin star restaurants around the world from Europe (the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary) and Asia (Thailand, Japan, China, Singapore and Hong Kong) and some of the top 50 San Pellegrino restaurants in countries such as Denmark, Spain, Italy, the UK, Spain, Sweden, France and Mexico. After a list of around 50 Michelin stars I have now mostly replaced such an expensive practice for the challenge of finding restaurants worth one or more stars but not yet having any.